Who we are
Inspired to help those seeking healing and spiritual development, Amazonia Moyano Healing Center was founded by Rider Arevalo. We are a community-minded center and are honored to welcome anyone with a sincere desire to heal, and learn. At Moyano, you'll find a comfortable, safe and supportive environment where you can dive deep into your process.
With their extensive ancestral knowledge and expertise, the maestros and maestras at Moyano have supported thousands of guests from around the globe in profound healing processes, as well as in the awakening and development of their consciousness. We have successfully treated a wide array of illnesses such as depression, alcoholism, post traumatic stress disorders, cancer, and many other chronic maladies.
Our work is to support people in reconnecting with themselves, to bring forth their gifts, and guide them on their healing journey. The medicine helps us to remember the deeper, most important aspects of life, and our goal is to help people integrate their experiences with the medicine into their daily lives. We hope to assist our guests in recovering a sense of wholeness, wellness, and a reconnection with their true authentic selves, so that they in turn may bring forth their beauty and gifts for themselves, their families and their community.
The maestros and maestras we work with each have over 25 years of experience with plant medicine, and our emphasis is on the importance of plant dieta healing and learning. We only work with high-level Shipibo curanderos with whom we have beautiful relationships of mutual trust, care, and respect.
Our facilitators are carefully chosen based on shared values and many years of experience dieting with master plants and assisting in ceremonies, to help support and provide the care needed to each guest through their process. Our medicine is typically prepared in our center by Rider, and the strength and integrity of the brew are always of utmost importance. We have a beautiful plant medicine garden that grows around the facility with plants such as Hierba Luisa, Piñon Colorado, and Sensitivo, and all our plant therapies are freshly prepared in the medicine house.
We are open year-round and welcome guests any time of year, for structured retreat programs or for longer, more flexible stays. Each of our 12 day retreat programs places an emphasis on master plant dieta, with 8 ceremonies and therapies such as rapóte, flower baths. Steam baths, purgatives, and other additional therapies as individually prescribed by the maestro on a case-by-case basis. We provide a safe, honest, and open environment for guests to heal with regular discussions and support between the maestros, maestras and facilitators, with English translation. Our goal is for you to feel safe and supported in your process so that whatever comes up through ceremony or dieta can be released in a healthy way.
We are one of only a few centers in Peru owned and operated by a Shipibo maestro, and we work diligently to preserve and uphold the traditional knowledge and customs of the Shipibo people, honoring their ancient methodology of working with the medicine and the plants.
Most guests who come to Moyano for their first time return year after year to continue their paths of healing and learning. We invite you to come and experience for yourself the warmth and joy of plant medicine healing and look forward to welcoming you to the Moyano community.
Our Values & Vision
At Moyano, we strive to always walk in integrity with our values. Kindness, respect, and humility are of the utmost importance to us. Respect for ourselves, for others, for the natural world, and for all of life.
We believe that everyone is a maestro in their own right. We each carry within us different wisdom, as we've all had our unique experiences in this life and we love to learn from and understand each other. Each person has their unique purpose, their value, their knowledge, and gifts to share with the world.
We have a sincere respect and appreciation for the different people all over the globe who have the courage to come to the medicine looking to heal and learn. We understand each person carries unique life experiences, and we honor and respect the challenges and fears that can come up, and are here to offer a place of safety and support through this process.
We honor and value the time it takes on this healing journey. This path is not for the faint of heart and is definitely not the "fast-track", "quick-fix, or a fun "trip". Self transformation takes years, and many layers of shedding the old and integrating the new.
We honor and respect the maestros and maestras who work with us. They have dedicated their lives to this work and we are eternally grateful for all of their efforts in carrying forth their ancestral knowledge. We thank them for their courage, for bringing healing to the lives of so many, and for sharing their love and knowledge with us
We have the highest respect and value for the Shipibo people and the traditional Shipibo methodology of plant medicine healing, and we work to uphold and protect the integrity of this ancient, ancestral knowledge.
We have the deepest respect for the healing power of the Master Plants, the land we reside on, and nature's intelligence and wisdom. We honor these spirits as our great teachers; with humility and the understanding that we will forever have much to learn.
We deeply understand the importance of trust and safety in a healing setting. And we cultivate and protect this through open and honest communication, kindness, respect, and zero tolerance for disrespect or abuse of any kind.
We believe each person has everything within them to learn and have mastery over their own healing. The plants can show us what we need to transform, but ultimately it is up to us to make the necessary changes.
We welcome anyone to Moyano with a sincere desire to heal. It is our joy and honor to witness and support our guests on their journies and provide a safe, warm, supportive environment for them to do so. We strive to grow as a center and a community so that we may have a greater capacity for a positive impact on more lives.